Buying A High Quality Mobile Concrete Batching Plant

If you are planning to buy a high quality mobile concrete batching plant (купить мобильный бетонный узел), you should know that it does not come cheap. It costs a significant amount of money and it would be a mistake to buy one without doing proper research. The good thing about doing research these days is that almost everything is available online. In fact, you can buy even a concrete batching plant online.

However, don’t make the mistake of thinking that all the sellers selling concrete plants online are legitimate. Even if the seller is legitimate, it does not mean that they have the expertise to manufacture a high quality concrete plant. Therefore, it is up to you to do the required research and check the reputation of the company before spending an enormous sum of money. Here are a few tips to help you buy the right mobile concrete batching plant.

Mobile Concrete Mixing Plant
Mobile Concrete Mixing Plant For Sale

Find the Right Company

You might be able to find the model you want from many sellers online but the real challenge lies in finding the right company. There are thousands of sellers looking to sell various kinds of plants. If you are new to the industry, you won’t be aware of the reputable brands in the space and that is where your challenge begins.

It is recommended to find a few people with a lot of experience in this industry and they would be able to tell you the important factors that really matter in a concrete plant. They will also know which brands are good in the long run and the pitfalls you need to avoid when buying a concrete plant.

You might be aware of a few popular brands but it does not mean that they are the only choices you have. These days, many overseas sellers (like company Aimix Group in China) supply high quality plants at a much lower price due to low cost of manufacturing in their country. Therefore, you need to spread your net wide and far if you want to get the best value for your money.

After Sales Service

Do not overlook the after sales service. There are a lot of moving components in a concrete plant and you will have to replace many of these components frequently. If you are unable to find replacement or the replacement is sold at a high price, you might be running a loss-making plant.

Nobody wants that but that is going to happen in case you do not check the after sales service provided by the company before putting in an order. Make sure the company has a local service office and they have proper engineers in the service office to provide services to their clients.

Mobile Concrete Mixing Plant Price
China Mobile Concrete Mixing Plant 35 m3/h


Nobody likes to pay a higher price for anything they want to buy and this rule also applies to buying concrete plants. However, it would be a big mistake to choose a manufacturer or a plant based only on the initial price. Make sure you focus on the total cost of ownership over the service life in order to get the best value for your money. You might be able to save some money by choosing a lower cost plant initially but a cheap plant is typically made from lower quality materials and that will cost you big time in the long run. So, focus on the total cost of ownership over its service life instead of just the initial cost.

To conclude, there are hundreds of companies selling concrete plants but not every plant is the same. Pay attention to the above mentioned tips in order to get the most value for your investment when buying a mobile concrete batching plant. Click here to learn more about mobile concrete batching plant: